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작성일20-06-03 04:09 조회7회 댓글0건



Coronavirus pandemic in Iraq

Iraqis gather in a queue as Iraqi soldiers close a street during curfew as a part of precautionary measures against the spread of the novel coronavirus disease in Sadr city, Baghdad, Iraq, 02 June 2020. The Iraqi authorities imposed a full six-day lockdown to limit the spread of the Coronavirus including a nationwide curfew, isolation the infected neighborhoods by concrete blocks, launching testing process for COVID-19 in Baghdad's districts, sterilization of the areas by spray disinfectant, as a precaution against the novel coronavirus outbreak after a sustained uptick in new cases. EPA/AHMED JALIL

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GoodNews paper ?? ?????Ϻ?(www.kmib.co.kr), ???????? ?? ??????????


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